Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tebow: NFL Mercenary

Tim Tebow is a lot of things -- a professional football player, religious role model, an atheist's nightmare, a winner, a leader, a motivator, the butt of jokes -- and now he's becoming something completely new, an NFL Mercenary.

Hate him or love him he is the man we have all been waiting for, and he's on the team that could just bring us all a little bit of glory. 

QB? RB? Who cares - he's a football player. 
It began in Week 11 when the hard nosed Denver Broncos stunned the NFL's largest group of Divas and sent the Jets back to New York with their panties tied in a bunch after a 17-13 upset in which Tebow drove down the field with under a minute left to seal the kill. 

He helped snipe the Chargers in week 12, tore up a criminal filled Minnesota Vikings secondary for 202 yards in week 13, sliced the throat and playoff hopes of the Chicago Bears in Week 14 which led Brian Urlacher to whine and complain like a Mafia Kingpin heading for a life's sentence.

He took on assignment that every NFL expert deemed impossible and executed it by doing what his boss John Elway told him "Pull the trigger."

Mafia King Pin Ben Rapelisberger 
Tebow's tactics may have been a little cruel and definitely unusual - but like Dexter Morgan he looks his victims in the eyes, smirks a little school boy smirk, and than shoves his blade into your heart - or in this case an 80 yard TD pass to Demaryius Thomas to complete the quickest over time in NFL history (regular or postseason) He pulled the trigger and aimed right for Pittsburgh's heart.

With the barrel still smoking it's time for revenge. 

The assailants who slipped away in week 15, due large in part to three costly and consecutive Bronco (and Tebow) turnovers that changed the winds and took away what looked likely to become the first Mile High Miracle.

The Father, The Son....
The father of all head coaches and his fortunate son with their loot of Super Bowl rings, scandals, and victories will invite this year's hottest trend to Foxborough for a date with destiny. A high power octane offense meeting a prideful defense in the ring for a second go around, the best QB of the last decade against the QB who defies all the odds, and an offense ready to prove they have a few more rounds in the chamber and are not just a smoking barrel.

Who knows a victory Sunday may send Denver to the crime capital of the USA, to Baltimore to take on a group that prides themselves on their thug attitude. This spree is not ready to end.

If you ask Tebow if he's ready to accept his role as NFL Mercenary he'll probably reach into the quote vault and pull out former boxing champion Larry Holmes' words, "I never tried to be a mercenary or a killer but a hard working fighter." 

Hate him. 
Love him. 
The NFL Mercenary is out there fighting the fight the rest of us wish we could. 

Is the old face of the NFL ready to make room for Tebowmania? We'll find out Sunday. 

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