Let us not forget that in 2006 three Lacrossee players at Duke University were falsely accused of raping an African American stripper. The university, faced with a rape and hate crime scandal was rightfully scared for their public image and reprecussions that may come. However the University jumped the gun, forcing head coach Mike Pressler to resign, ousting the three players, and disbanded the rest of the Duke Lacrossee season, depsite nothing more than accusations. Duke University faced Black Panther Protests, vandalism, threatening letters and hate mail, and more during a year long media bombardment. The three players were later found innocent, but the reputation and credibility of the University took a major hit. Although the years since have seen Duke restore itself back to national fame and reputation, it would not have been without possible with an administration admitting wrongdoing and apologizing, NCAA Championships in Mens basketball, and a refocused commitment to focus on student and faculty accomplishments. Duke has been able to restore their brand, and although three Lacrossee players wrongfully accused of rape is leaps and bounds less than a full blown univeristy sex scandal -- Penn State will be able to restore their brand one day.
Four steps toward recovery for Penn State University…
1) Take care of the next generation of abused children by reallocating a portion of the 88 million dollars raised by the football team every season. It is one thing to donate money to a charity in Penn State's name -- it's another to help educate the next generation of caretakers. Revamp the Psychology and Medical departments to put a focus on Children's psychology and Counselors for abused children. An influx of students coming to Penn State to study children's psychology would show the world, that Penn State is not only interested in helping out Sandusky's victims -- but all child victims. An influx in students and finances will help reboost the university.
2) A new coaching era must begin in Penn State. Interim head coach Tom Bradley and his entire staff must go. A serious, responsible, accountable new head coach, with a new staff a must be found. Bradley has not been accused of any charges – but the man served under Joe Paterno for thirty years – guilty or not, his association with the legendary head coach is too much for the university to burden. Let’s not forget that there is still a Paterno on staff – son of Joe Pa, Jay is the quarterbacks coach. It is not the time, nor will it be any time soon, to have the ‘Paterno’ name in limelight.
Jerry Sandusky. Photo courtesy of SI |
4) Rewrite the mission statement. The current Penn State mission statement is four elongated sentences totaling 157 words in length. This needs to be changed to read, “to protect and help our students grow intellectually and become positive contributing members to society” OR “To protect, educate, and assist the youth and future of America, today” OR “To ensure the highest levels of education, protection, and opportunities to succeed in and beyond the classroom.”
A new mission statement must mention it is their GOAL to protect our youth. Regardless of the wording, it is pivotal that Penn State shows us all they understand where they failed, and what is truly important; providing an environment that ensures safety and all educational opportunities to succeed.
Journalist Robert Brault once said, “One of life's regrets is that you didn't always tell the truth, and now it's too late, because the truth has changed.” Penn State University had their chance in 1998, and again in 2002 to confront this uncomfortable truth but they failed miserably and now they must pay the price that comes with their unfortunate lack of judgment. Remember that telling the truth, confronting an uncomfortable reality, and doing what is right – will always be better than covering up a lie – no matter the severity.
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