Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Noteworthy Turn of Events

The last time my body was in this much pain I was sitting in an emergency room with a wrist like Jell-O.

Don't worry I'm currently in one piece.

Lord knows I haven't been this high on life since I was in California...and this time it's legal.

No mom I am not doing drugs. 

I'm not sure at any point in my life I have ever been surrounded by this many beautiful women. Not even in the wildest of unspeakable dreams.


That's right ya'll, I'm taking Yoga classes.

And nope, I can't even use the excuse that I'm doing it for a girl.

Ever since I set the Virginia Run Elementary School "record" for most pathetic sit and reach score (-3) it has been a personal goal to one day be able to touch my toes. Dream big.

When I packed my bags and moved over to Israel a few weeks back I took it upon myself to 'go all out' each day, to take full advantage of all this world has to offer, even if that means twisting my body into a pretzel and pulling muscles I didn't know existed until last night. 

I understand that yoga is no new phenomenon and yes, I could have stayed in Centreville and taken Yoga classes, but they wouldn't have been in Hebrew would they?!

For 250 shekels I'll be joining Madam Orli and her magical world of Yoga twice a week in hopes to obtain one dream, while living out another.

Now if you'll excuse me I must continue my formation into a middle aged woman and head to my weekly Jewish dance lessons.

אהבה, שון

1 comment:

  1. While sitting here reading about this yoga and dancing of yours, your Missouri Tigers are up 13 in the first round of the Big 12 tournament versus Texas Tech...

    Keep doing your thing my man. I am enjoying these posts.
