Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Shalom Shaaaalom

Why hello there! Oh I'm doing fine, yourself? Everything here Israeli good. Yes, yes I know it has been quite some time since we've last blogged with one another. Well what the heck are we waiting for? I know you can't stop wondering what's going on in the life of your favorite Jewish friend, so let's get to it!

The Bahai Gardens in Haifa
The last three weeks have been quite an adventure; trips to Jerusalem, Haifa, and Akko (Acre) are just a few different fantastic places I've taken a day trip to. There was the high holy holiday of Purim -- which was celebrated continuously over five days of partying. Twice a week I'm still taking Yoga classes, and as of last Tuesday I began military training -- yelp! Don't get all panic-attacky on me, there's no mandatory military service, just a way to get my scrawny ass in shape. I had (and passed) my first Hebrew test, and when I'm not racking my brain studying I am honing my chef skills three days a week.

And as of Monday I'm in first place in the ATO NCAA March Madness bracket -- it won't last much longer, thank you very much Notre Dame and Pittsburgh -- but it's nice to be months removed from the last college basketball game I've seen and be beating all you suckers. 

Three weeks back our Ulpan took a day trip to Yad Vashem -- the national Holocaust memorial here in Israel. For anyone of any faith it is a place to come and visit. It is an incredibly moving and emotionally draining experience -- but the beauty of the memorial is that even through all of the countless atrocities that took place against the Jewish people, homosexuals, Gypsies, Russians, Christians, and everyone else that had their life stripped away from them in the Holocaust is that there is hope that good will over come evil. But we must never forget what happened just 70 years ago.

Alrighty then, now that we've got the not so happy update out of the way let's get to the cheerful news. I never thought there could ever be a holiday better than Halloween -- I mean free candy while dressing up in outrageous costumes and getting to be out until 10 on a school night -- come on let's get serious, that's the good life.

Purim legends: Gay biker, "Sesame Street," Groove-Shark, Hippie, and Mr. T
Than I discovered Purim in Israel and my mind exploded.

Unlike Halloween, Purim is a holiday with real meaning. The celebration that commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people from the ancient Persian Empire from complete annihilation at the hands of Haman.

How do you celebrate Purim? Why is it THAT much better then Halloween?

Well, you get dressed up in any costume your heart desires -- but here's the catch -- instead of candy, you drink, you drink until you can't drink anymore but than when you think you've reached your limit and there's no possible way you can stomach one more Vodka and Red Bull -- you drink some more.

Here at Kibbutz Romat Yohanan we celebrated with a 70's disco theme, had a marvelous dance floor that lit up, and later in the night Elvis showed up and performed for every one (despite not being time appropriate or singing any Elvis songs, but HEY) and without getting into any hilarious or embarrassing details -- it's safe to say I was the undisputed mayor of Dunski Town.

I guess the real question is MOM why we weren't celebrating Purim when I was growing up?

As for Yoga classes, day trips, becoming a master chef, and learning Hebrew there will be more blog entries on the way. For now I leave you with this and hope that the three or four thousand of you loyal fans reading this that you find yourself in great spirits and good health.

Loveeeeeee you.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Drum Circle Extravaganza!

One of the many perks of living on a Kibbutz Ulpan are the hands-on cultural experiences you get to be an intricate part of. Whether it's making Israeli Macaroni and Cheese, exploring the ancient Biblical landscape, learning (and failing) to flirt in a foreign language, or playing in a drum circle each day has a new curve-ball to throw at you.

SPEAKING OF DRUM CIRCLES, two Wednesdays ago the Kibbutz drum clan came to play for and with us. Here is a video for your viewing and listening 'pleasure' I would put up more videos for you but apparently the internet here is ran by a goat walking in circles and it could take weeks for another video to upload.

More updates to come soon -- as soon as I get a new camera and fix my video camera -- sigh.

Pretend I'm not the man for one second


לילה טוב !


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Noteworthy Turn of Events

The last time my body was in this much pain I was sitting in an emergency room with a wrist like Jell-O.

Don't worry I'm currently in one piece.

Lord knows I haven't been this high on life since I was in California...and this time it's legal.

No mom I am not doing drugs. 

I'm not sure at any point in my life I have ever been surrounded by this many beautiful women. Not even in the wildest of unspeakable dreams.


That's right ya'll, I'm taking Yoga classes.

And nope, I can't even use the excuse that I'm doing it for a girl.

Ever since I set the Virginia Run Elementary School "record" for most pathetic sit and reach score (-3) it has been a personal goal to one day be able to touch my toes. Dream big.

When I packed my bags and moved over to Israel a few weeks back I took it upon myself to 'go all out' each day, to take full advantage of all this world has to offer, even if that means twisting my body into a pretzel and pulling muscles I didn't know existed until last night. 

I understand that yoga is no new phenomenon and yes, I could have stayed in Centreville and taken Yoga classes, but they wouldn't have been in Hebrew would they?!

For 250 shekels I'll be joining Madam Orli and her magical world of Yoga twice a week in hopes to obtain one dream, while living out another.

Now if you'll excuse me I must continue my formation into a middle aged woman and head to my weekly Jewish dance lessons.

אהבה, שון